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Rename TWikiVariables

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From: TWiki.  TWikiVariables
To: .

Allow non WikiWord for the new topic name.
Note: It's usually best to chose a WikiWord for the new topic name, otherwise automatic linking may not work. Characters not allowed in topic names, such as spaces will automatically be removed.

Change links in topics that refer to TWikiVariables in the TWiki Web:

Update ref: Topics in TWiki web: Changed: now 07:23 GMT Changed by:
WebStatistics 05 Aug 2005 - 06:20 - r1.20   Main.TWikiGuest
| Aug 2005 | 738 | 0 | 0 |  42 TWikiHistory<br />  39 WebHome<br />  34 TWikiVariables <br />  24 TextFormattingRules<br />  21 TextFormattingFAQ<br />  18 WelcomeGuest<br />  16 TWikiSite<br />  14 TWikiTopics<br />  13 TWikiForms<br />  12 TWikiSystemRequirements<br />  11 TWikiDocGraphics | |
| Jul 2005 | 2236 | 0 | 0 |  79 WebHome<br />  71 TWikiVariables <br />  52 TWikiPreferences<br />  42 TextFormattingRules<br />  35 TWikiSite<br />  34 TWikiSystemRequirements<br />  33 TWikiInstallationGuide<br />  32 TWikiForms<br />  31 TWikiAccessControl<br />  29 TextFormattingFAQ<br />  29 TWikiSkins | |
| Jun 2005 | 1037 | 0 | 0 |  55 WebHome<br />  55 TextFormattingRules<br />  46 TWikiVariables <br />  37 WikiSyntax<br />  22 TWikiSite<br />  20 ManagingWebs<br />  18 TWikiForms<br />  17 TWikiSystemRequirements<br />  17 GoodStyle<br />  16 UnlockTopic<br />  16 TWikiPreferences | |
| May 2005 | 81 | 0 | 0 |   7 WebHome<br />   7 TWikiRegistration<br />   7 GoodStyle<br />   6 TextFormattingRules<br />   6 TextFormattingFAQ<br />   6 TWikiPreferences<br />   2 TWikiVariables <br />   2 TWikiHistory<br />   1 WindowsInstallCookbook<br />   1 WelcomeGuest<br />   1 WebTopicList | |
TWikiHistory 02 Feb 2003 - 01:31 - r1.61   Main.PeterThoeny
* New =%<nop>TOPICLIST{"format"}%= and =%<nop>WEBLIST{"format"}%= variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables .
* New =%<nop>URLPARAM{"name"}%= variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables .
* New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. =---++ My Title=; and new =%<nop>TOC%= variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables .
* New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. =[<nop>[][TWiki]]=) and internal links (i.e =[<nop>[WikiSyntax][syntax]]=). More in TWikiVariables .
* New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with =#MyAnchor= at the beginning of a line, and link to it with =[<nop>[#MyAnchor]]=. More in TWikiVariables .
* Format changed of =%<nop>GMTIME{"..."}%= and =%<nop>SERVERTIME{"..."}%= variables. Format is now ="$hour:$min"= instead of ="hour:min"=. More in TWikiVariables . __Attention:__ Check your existing topics when you upgrade TWiki!
* New variable =%<nop>STARTINCLUDE%= and =%<nop>STOPINCLUDE%= variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in TWikiVariables .
* Improved include handling. Infinite recursion of includes are prevented; new variables =%<nop>BASEWEB%=, =%<nop>INCLUDINGWEB%=, =%<nop>BASETOPIC%= and =%<nop>INCLUDINGTOPIC%= to have more control over include handling. More in TWikiVariables  and TWiki:Codev/IncludeHandlingImprovements.
* New =noheader="on"= switch in =%<nop>SEARCH{...}%= to suppress table header. More in TWikiVariables .
* New variable =%<nop>VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}%= to get web specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables .
* New variables =%<nop>GMTIME{"..."}%= and =%<nop>SERVERTIME{"..."}%= . More in TWikiVariables .
* Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables .
* New TWikiVariables  =%<nop>HTTP_HOST%= , =%<nop>REMOTE_ADDR%= , =%<nop>REMOTE_PORT%= and =%<nop>REMOTE_USER%= .
* Inline search. New variable =%<nop>SEARCH{"str" ...}%= to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables  has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
TWikiInstallationGuide 02 Feb 2003 - 01:29 - r1.53   Main.PeterThoeny
* You can add new =%<nop>VARIABLES%=. Define site-level variables in the TWikiPreferences topic. See also: TWikiVariables .
TextFormattingRules 01 Feb 2003 - 20:47 - r1.37   Main.PeterThoeny
At least three dashes at the beginning of a line, followed by plus signs and the heading text. One plus creates a level 1 heading (most important), two pluses a level 2 heading; the maximum is level 6. __Note:__ A Table of Content can be created automatically with the =%<nop>TOC%= variable, see TWikiVariables . Any heading text after =!!= is excluded from the TOC; for example, write =---+!! text= if you do not want to list a header in the TOC.
* There are many more variables, see *[[TWikiVariables ]]*.
IncludeTopicsAndWebPages 01 Feb 2003 - 12:26 - r1.6   Main.PeterThoeny
See also other TWikiVariables .
WebHome 01 Feb 2003 - 10:09 - r1.78   Main.PeterThoeny
* TWikiVariables : How to easily embed text, graphics, dynamic content
1. [[TWiki Variables ]]
StartingPoints 01 Feb 2003 - 10:06 - r1.3   Main.PeterThoeny
* TWikiVariables : How to easily embed text, graphics, dynamic content
InstantEnhancements 31 Jan 2003 - 09:03 - NEW   Main.PeterThoeny
Many of these tips are based on setting some special TWikiVariables .
---++ Tips using TWikiVariables 
The SEARCH variable has many more formatting options, see TWikiVariables .
TWikiDocumentation 31 Jan 2003 - 07:15 - r1.43   Main.PeterThoeny

TWikiSiteTools 30 Jan 2003 - 07:43 - r1.7   Main.PeterThoeny
* You can create a WebNotify link using TWikiVariables  with ==%<nop>NOTIFYTOPIC%==
* You can create a WebStatistics link using TWikiVariables  with ==%<nop>STATISTICSTOPIC%==
See also: TWikiVariables  for including hard-coded searches in text.
TWikiGlossary 27 Jan 2003 - 09:11 - r1.2   Main.PeterThoeny
| Preferences: | The site-wide, single _web_ and single user-level preferences settings. The settings are stored in TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences and Main.TWikiUsers home pages. [[TWikiVariables #PreferencesVariables][Details...]] |
| Variables: | Text-strings of the form =%VARIABLE%= that are expanded on the fly into text, image, or any other type of embedded content; there are system variables coded into the main TWiki package, _preferences_ settings, and Plugins variables. [[TWikiVariables ][Details...]] |
TWikiVariables 27 Jan 2003 - 08:22 - r1.62   Main.PeterThoeny
<nop>TWikiVariables  are text strings - =%<nop>VARIABLE%= - that expand into content whenever a page is opened. When a topic is rendered for viewing, =VARIABLES= are replaced by data, either user-entered, or info automatically generated by TWiki (like the date, or the current username). There are predefined variables, and Preference variables that you configure. You can also define custom variables, with new names and values.
TWikiForms 25 Jan 2003 - 09:23 - r1.16   Main.PeterThoeny
TWikiForms accept user-input data, stored as TWikiMetaData. Meta data also contains program-generated info about changes, attachments, etc. To find, format and display form and other meta data, see TWikiMetaData, ==SEARCH== and ==METASEARCH== variables in TWikiVariables , and [[FormattedSearch][TWiki Formatted Search]] for various options.
TWikiDocGraphics 25 Jan 2003 - 07:09 - r1.12   Main.PeterThoeny
This is one way to create a library of common icons, accessible through user-defined TWikiVariables  set in WebPreferences, or in TWikiPreferences for site-wide use.
WikiName 18 Jan 2003 - 09:44 - r1.3   Main.PeterThoeny
DONE Though rarely used in common practice, you can use the special ==%<nop>MAINWEB%== [[TWikiVariables ][variable]] to prepend to user names, for example, ==%<nop>MAINWEB%.TWikiGuest==.
TWikiSkins 08 Jan 2003 - 07:14 - r1.11   Main.PeterThoeny
You can use [[TWikiTemplates#TemplateVariables][template variables]], TWikiVariables , and other predefined variables to compose your skins. Some commonly used variables in skins:
TWikiUpgradeTo01Dec2001 17 Dec 2002 - 08:46 - r1.31   Main.PeterThoeny
* [[TWikiVariables ][ExtendingTableSyntax]]: Enhanced table syntax might have unwanted side effect: =| <nop>*bold*<nop> |= cells, =| center aligned |= and =| right aligned |= cells, span multiple columns using =| empty cells |||=. More in TextFormattingRules.
TWikiMetaData 11 Dec 2002 - 07:30 - r1.11   Main.PeterThoeny
* Format is the same as in TWikiVariables , except all fields have a key.
FormattedSearch 13 Aug 2002 - 16:46 - r1.9   Main.PeterThoeny
%META:TOPICPARENT{name="TWikiVariables "}%
The =%<nop>SEARCH{...}%= variable documented in TWikiVariables  has a fixed format for the search result, that is, a table consisting of topic names and topic summaries. Use the =format="..."= parameter to specify a customized format of the search result. The string of the format parameter is typically a bullet list or table row containing variables (such as =%<nop>SEARCH{ "food" format="| $topic | $summary |" }%=).
MainFeatures 04 Aug 2002 - 02:58 - NEW   Main.PeterThoeny
* *Variables:* Use [[TWikiVariables ][variables]] to dynamically compose your pages. This allows you for example to dynamically build a table of contents, include other pages, or show a search result embedded in a page.
FileAttachment 04 May 2002 - 15:32 - r1.10   Main.MikeMannix
* __NOTE:__ You can also add graphics - any files - directly, typically by FTP upload. This requires FTP access, and may be more convenient if you have a large number of files to load. FTP-ed files can't be managed using browser-based Attachment controls. You can use your browser to create TWikiVariables  shortcuts, like this %<nop>H% = HELP.
TablePlugin 30 Nov 2001 - 10:26 - NEW   Main.MikeMannix
%META:TOPICPARENT{name="TWikiVariables "}%
TWikiUpgradeTo01Dec2000 01 Sep 2001 - 07:33 - r1.15   Main.MikeMannix
* The following topics in the TWiki.Main web are deprecated (because they moved to TWiki.TWiki), but still need to be present in TWiki.Main because of existing links to them: =FileAttachment=, =TWikiDocumentation=, =TWikiHistory=, =TWikiPreferences=, =TWikiVariables =.
* With links to: =TWikiPreferences= , =TWikiVariables = , =TWikiUsers= , =TWikiWebsTable= and =WelcomeGuest=
TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000 01 Sep 2001 - 07:20 - r1.4   Main.MikeMannix
* Copy the TWiki documentation into your Main web: Topics TWikiDocumentation, TWikiUsernameVsLoginUsername, TWikiVariables , WebNotification, TWikiCategoryTable, TWikiImplementationNotes, TWikiInstallationGuide, TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000, TextFormattingRules, TWikiHistory .

Change links in topics that refer to TWiki.TWikiVariables in any Web:


  • Get help on Renaming and moving topics.
  • Select the Trash Web to delete the topic.
  • The checkmarked topics will be updated (another form will appear which will eventually allow you to rename any topics that were locked)

Topic TWikiVariables . { | Cancel }