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 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiSkins (r1.11 - 08 Jan 2003 - PeterThoeny)

%WEB% The name of the current web. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %URLENCODE{"%WEB%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment
%TOPIC% The name of the current topic. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %URLENCODE{"%TOPIC%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment

%WEB% The name of the current web. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %INTURLENCODE{"%WEB%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment
%TOPIC% The name of the current topic. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %INTURLENCODE{"%TOPIC%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment


 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiSkins (r1.10 - 05 Jan 2003 - PeterThoeny)

%WEB% The name of the current web
%WEBURLENCODED% The name of the current web, URL encoded (for form action)
%TOPIC% The name of the current topic
%TOPICURLENCODED% The name of the current topic, URL encoded (for form action)

%WEB% The name of the current web. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %URLENCODE{"%WEB%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment
%TOPIC% The name of the current topic. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %URLENCODE{"%TOPIC%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment



-- PeterThoeny - 03 Jan 2003


-- PeterThoeny - 05 Jan 2003

 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiSkins (r1.9 - 04 Jan 2003 - PeterThoeny)

Use the existing TWikiTemplates (like view.tmpl) or skin files as a base for your own skin, name it for example view.myskin.tmpl.

Variables in Skins

You can use template variables, TWikiVariables, and other predefined variables to compose your skins. Some commonly used variables in skins:

Variable: Expanded to:
%WIKILOGOURL% Link of page logo
%WIKILOGOIMG% Image URL of page logo
%WIKILOGOALT% Alt text of page logo
%WEBBGCOLOR% Web specific background color, defined in the WebPreferences
%WIKITOOLNAME% The name of your TWiki site
%SCRIPTURL% The script URL of TWiki
%SCRIPTSUFFIX% The script suffix, ex: .pl, .cgi
%WEB% The name of the current web
%WEBURLENCODED% The name of the current web, URL encoded (for form action)
%TOPIC% The name of the current topic
%TOPICURLENCODED% The name of the current topic, URL encoded (for form action)
%WEBTOPICLIST% Common links of current web, defined in the WebPreferences. It includes a #GoBox
%TEXT% The topic text, e.g. the content that can be edited
%META{"form"}% TWikiForm, if any
%META{"attachments"}% FileAttachment table
%META{"parent"}% The topic parent
%EDITTOPIC% Edit link
%REVTITLE% The revision title, if any, ex: (r1.6)
%REVINFO% Revision info, ex: r1.6 - 24 Dec 2002 - 08:12 GMT - TWikiGuest
%WEBCOPYRIGHT% Copyright notice, defined in the WebPreferences

The "Go" Box and Navigation Box

The %WEBTOPICLIST% includes a "Go" box to jump to a topic. The box also understand URLs, e.g. you can type to jump to an external web site. The feature is handy if you build a skin that has a select box of frequently used links, like Intranet home, employee database, sales database and such. A little JavaScript gets into action on the onSelect method of the select tag to fill the selected URL into the "Go" box field, then submits the form.

Here is an example form that has a select box and the "Go" box for illustration purposes. You need to have JavaScript enabled for this to work:

Bare bones header for demo only
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Packaging and Publishing Skins

See TWiki:Plugins/SkinPackagingHowTo


-- PeterThoeny - 14 Jul 2001


-- PeterThoeny - 03 Jan 2003

 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiSkins (r1.8 - 16 Sep 2001 - MikeMannix)

Overlay regular templates with alternate header/footer layouts


Skins overlay regular templates with alternate header/footer layouts; topic text is not affected

 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiSkins (r1.7 - 14 Sep 2001 - PeterThoeny)

Skins are customized TWiki Templates files. You can use skins to change the look of a TWiki topic, for example, the layout of the header and footer. Rendered text between header and footer does not change. You can also use skins to define an alternate view, like a view optimized for printing.


Skins are customized TWikiTemplates files. You can use skins to change the look of a TWiki topic, for example, the layout of the header and footer. Rendered text between header and footer does not change. You can also use skins to define an alternate view, like a view optimized for printing.


--++ Defining Skins


Defining Skins

 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiSkins (r1.6 - 10 Sep 2001 - MikeMannix)

TOC: No TOC in "TWiki.TWikiSkins"


Skins are customized TWikiTemplate files. You can use skins to change the look of a TWiki topic, for example the layout of the header and footer. Note that the renderd text between header and footer does not change. You can also use skins to define an alternate view, ex: a view optimized for printing.


Overlay regular templates with alternate header/footer layouts


Skin files are located in the twiki/template directory and are name with this syntax: <scriptname>.<skin>.tmpl. For example, the print skin for the view template is view.print.tmpl (red color added for clarification).



Skins are customized TWiki Templates files. You can use skins to change the look of a TWiki topic, for example, the layout of the header and footer. Rendered text between header and footer does not change. You can also use skins to define an alternate view, like a view optimized for printing.

--++ Defining Skins

Skin files are located in the twiki/templates directory and are named with the syntax: <scriptname>.<skin>.tmpl. For example, the Printable skin for the view template is view.print.tmpl.

Activating Skins




The ?skin=name URL parameter overrides the SKIN preference value.


The ?skin=name URL parameter overrides the SKIN Preference value.

 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiSkins (r1.5 - 07 Sep 2001 - MikeMannix)

TWiki Skins


TWiki Skins

 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiSkins (r1.4 - 30 Aug 2001 - MikeMannix)

Skins are customized TWikiTemplate files. You can use skins to change the look of a TWiki topic, for example the layout of the header and footer. Note that the renderd text between header and footer does not change. You can use skins also to define an alternate view, i.e. a view optimized for printing.


Skins are customized TWikiTemplate files. You can use skins to change the look of a TWiki topic, for example the layout of the header and footer. Note that the renderd text between header and footer does not change. You can also use skins to define an alternate view, ex: a view optimized for printing.


A skin file is located in the twiki/template directory and has a name like <scriptname>.<skin>.tmpl. For example, the print skin for the view template is view.print.tmpl (red color added for clarification).


Skin files are located in the twiki/template directory and are name with this syntax: <scriptname>.<skin>.tmpl. For example, the print skin for the view template is view.print.tmpl (red color added for clarification).


  • Define the SKIN preference variable in TWikiPreferences, one of the WebPreferences, or a user preference. I.e.
    • Set SKIN = wikiwiki
  • Add ?skin=name to the URL, i.e. for this topic:

  • Define the SKIN preference variable in TWikiPreferences, one of the WebPreferences, or a user preference. Ex:
    • Set SKIN = print
  • Add ?skin=name to the URL, for this example:

 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiSkins (r1.3 - 15 Jul 2001 - PeterThoeny)

Skins are customized template files. You can use skins to change the look of a TWiki topic, for example the layout of the header and footer. Note that the renderd text between header and footer does not change. You can use skins also to define an alternate view, i.e. a view optimized for printing.


Skins are customized TWikiTemplate files. You can use skins to change the look of a TWiki topic, for example the layout of the header and footer. Note that the renderd text between header and footer does not change. You can use skins also to define an alternate view, i.e. a view optimized for printing.


A skin file is located in the twiki/template directory and has a name like <scriptname>.<skin>.tmpl or <scriptname>.<topicname>.<skin>.tmpl. For example, the print skin for the view template is view.print.tmpl (red color added for clarification).


A skin file is located in the twiki/template directory and has a name like <scriptname>.<skin>.tmpl. For example, the print skin for the view template is view.print.tmpl (red color added for clarification).


    • Set SKIN = wikiwiki
      Note: Who has time to create the classic wikiwiki skin?

    • Set SKIN = wikiwiki

-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001


-- PeterThoeny - 14 Jul 2001

 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiSkins (r1.2 - 16 Mar 2001 - PeterThoeny)

TWiki Skins


A skin file is located in the twiki/template directory and has a name like <scriptname>.<skin>.tmpl or <scriptname>.<topicname>.<skin>.tmpl. For example, the print skin for the view template is view.print.tmpl (red color added for clarification).


A skin file is located in the twiki/template directory and has a name like <scriptname>.<skin>.tmpl or <scriptname>.<topicname>.<skin>.tmpl. For example, the print skin for the view template is view.print.tmpl (red color added for clarification).


The ?skin=name URL parameter overrides the SKIN preference value.


The ?skin=name URL parameter overrides the SKIN preference value.


-- PeterThoeny - 20 Jan 2001


-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001

 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiSkins (r1.1 - 20 Jan 2001 - PeterThoeny)

Skins are customized template files. You can use skins to change the look of a TWiki topic, for example the layout of the header and footer. Note that the renderd text between header and footer does not change. You can use skins also to define an alternate view, i.e. a view optimized for printing.

A skin file is located in the twiki/template directory and has a name like <scriptname>.<skin>.tmpl or <scriptname>.<topicname>.<skin>.tmpl. For example, the print skin for the view template is view.print.tmpl (red color added for clarification).

A skin can be activated in two ways:

The ?skin=name URL parameter overrides the SKIN preference value.

-- PeterThoeny - 20 Jan 2001

Topic TWikiSkins . { View | Diffs | r1.11 | > | r1.10 | > | r1.9 | More }
Revision r1.1 - 20 Jan 2001 - 23:28 GMT - PeterThoeny
Revision r1.11 - 08 Jan 2003 - 07:14 GMT - PeterThoeny
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