TWiki home TWiki . TWiki . WebPreferences (rename)

Rename WebPreferences

  Web:  Topic:
From: TWiki.  WebPreferences
To: .

Allow non WikiWord for the new topic name.
Note: It's usually best to chose a WikiWord for the new topic name, otherwise automatic linking may not work. Characters not allowed in topic names, such as spaces will automatically be removed.

Change links in topics that refer to WebPreferences in the TWiki Web:

Update ref: Topics in TWiki web: Changed: now 01:52 GMT Changed by:
AppendixFileSystem 02 Feb 2003 - 01:42 - r1.12   Main.PeterThoeny
| =_default/WebPreferences .txt= | Per web Preference Settings |
| =_default/WebPreferences .txt,v= | Revisions history (RCS) |
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nobody 3670 Apr 12 2002 WebPreferences .txt
-r--r--r-- 1 nobody nobody 8203 Apr 12 2002 WebPreferences .txt,v
TWikiHistory 02 Feb 2003 - 01:31 - r1.61   Main.PeterThoeny
* Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences  in each web) and user-level preferences (for each of the Main.TWikiUsers). With this, discontinue use of server side include of , , , and files.
TWikiInstallationGuide 02 Feb 2003 - 01:29 - r1.53   Main.PeterThoeny
* Edit the WebPreferences  topic in each web, if necessary: set individual =WEBCOPYRIGHT= messages, and other preferences.
* Edit the WebPreferences  topic in each web, if necessary: set access priviliges.
TWikiPreferences 02 Feb 2003 - 01:20 - r1.47   Main.PeterThoeny
ALERT! *NOTE:* They are typically redefined in individual <nop>WebPreferences  topics
* Skin overriding the default TWiki templates: (can be overwritten by WebPreferences  and user preferences)
TWikiFuncModule 02 Feb 2003 - 01:02 - r1.3   Main.PeterThoeny
* WebPreferences  topic has: =* Set WEBBGCOLOR = #FFFFC0=
| Description: | Get list of all public webs, e.g. all webs that do not have the =NOSEARCHALL= flag set in the WebPreferences  |
TWikiUpgradeGuide 02 Feb 2003 - 00:06 - r1.3   Main.PeterThoeny
* Remove the files you do *not* want to upgrade: =InterWikis.*=, =TWikiRegistration.*=, =TWikiRegistrationPub.*=, =WebNotify.*=, =WebPreferences .*=, =WebStatistics.*= and all =WebTopic*= files.
* Merge the new files =WebHome.txt= and =WebPreferences .txt= of your other webs to make sure, you have the improvements applied also in your other webs.
TWikiAdminCookBook 01 Feb 2003 - 20:46 - r1.2   Main.PeterThoeny
This lets you create variables, like a graphics icon library, in any topic - instead of only in WebPreferences  - and refer to them from other topics within the same web.
InstantEnhancements 31 Jan 2003 - 09:03 - NEW   Main.PeterThoeny
We want to set variable WEBBGCOLOR in topic WebPreferences  to one of the StandardColors. <nop>WebPreferences  is, as you can guess, a topic which holds all kind of preference setting for each TWiki Web[[ManagingWebs][{*}]]. Each web has its own <nop>WebPreferences , and you can set them differently for each web.
2 Go to WebPreferences  in each web, and edit the topic.
Without getting into the TWikiTemplates system yet, you can easily edit the ==view.tmpl== (in the =templates= directory). In the HTML at the top, the body tag has the page background hardcoded to white ==bgcolor="#ffffff"==. You can change that color value to new variable. First, define a new preferences variable in the site-level TWikiPreferences, e.g. =* Set =PAGEBGCOLOR = #d0d0d0=, then edit the ==view.tmpl== template file and change ==bgcolor="#ffffff"== to ==bgcolor="%<nop>PAGEBGCOLOR%"==. If you want you can set the page background color individualy per web, simple add a =* Set =PAGEBGCOLOR = #d0d0d0= bullet to the WebPreferences  to overload the site-level preferences. (Without font color control, you'll have to stick to light colors.
1 Go to WebPreferences  in each web, and edit the topic.
1 Go to the ==Preferences== topic: TWikiPreferences for site-wide use, or WebPreferences  for use in one web only.
* __Example:__ Enter =%<nop>TEST%= to get %TEST% - see how it's [[WebPreferences #DefineIcon][done]].
TWikiPlugins 29 Jan 2003 - 07:21 - r1.21   Main.PeterThoeny
Installed Plugins can be *toggled on or off*, site-wide or by web, through <nop>TWikiPreferences and individual <nop>WebPreferences :
* *Plugins Preferences* <<i>If user settings are needed, explain... Entering values works exactly like TWiki.TWikiPreferences and WebPreferences : six (6) spaces and then:</i>>"
TWikiGlossary 27 Jan 2003 - 09:11 - r1.2   Main.PeterThoeny
| Preferences: | The site-wide, single _web_ and single user-level preferences settings. The settings are stored in TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences  and Main.TWikiUsers home pages. [[TWikiVariables#PreferencesVariables][Details...]] |
TWikiVariables 27 Jan 2003 - 08:22 - r1.62   Main.PeterThoeny
* To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing ==%<nop>MYLOGO%==, define the Variable on the web's WebPreferences  page, and upload a logo file, ex: =mylogo.gif=. You can upload by [[FileAttachment][attaching the file]] to WebPreferences , or, to avoid clutter, to any other topic in the same web, ex: =LogoTopic=:
TWikiForms 25 Jan 2003 - 09:23 - r1.16   Main.PeterThoeny
On upgrading from the previous TWiki, a Form Template topic has to be built for each web that used a Category Table, recreating the fields and values from the old ==twikicatitems.tmpl==. The replacement Form Template must be set as the first item in the WebPreferences  variable =WEBFORMS=. If missing, pages will display, but attempting to edit results in an error message.
Forms are enabled on a per web basis. The ==WEBFORMS== variable in WebPreferences  is optional and defines a list of possible form templates. Example:
TWikiDocGraphics 25 Jan 2003 - 07:09 - r1.12   Main.PeterThoeny
This is one way to create a library of common icons, accessible through user-defined TWikiVariables set in WebPreferences , or in TWikiPreferences for site-wide use.
There are other approaches as well: the TWiki:Plugins/TopicVarsPlugin lets you set variables in any topic, not just in WebPreferences , for use in the same. The TWiki:Plugins/SmiliesPlugin, using a different short hand than =<nop>%VARIABLES%=, may be worth checking out for extended use.
TemplateWeb 19 Jan 2003 - 08:30 - NEW   Main.PeterThoeny
Template webs were created to act as templates in creating webs. It is now possible to creation webs via the TWiki.ManagingWebs topic. In the not so distant past TWiki webs were created by hand. The data directory contains the different webs such as *Main* and *TWiki*. A web that begins with an underscore "_" character is considered invisible and a template. All files in the *_default* (or any other web that begins with an underscore) template web will be copied into your new web. The *_default* web template contains the following topics: =<nop>WebChanges, <nop>WebHome, <nop>WebIndex, <nop>WebNotify, <nop>WebPreferences , <nop>WebSearch, <nop>WebStatistics and <nop>WebTopicList.=
ManagingWebs 19 Jan 2003 - 08:22 - r1.23   Main.PeterThoeny
The manage script while creating the new web will update the following variables in the WebPreferences : =WEBBGCOLOR=, =SITEMAPLIST=, =SITEMAPWHAT=, =SITEMAPUSETO= and =NOSEARCHALL=. These variables are now used to dynamically generate the SiteMap.
ManagingTopics 12 Jan 2003 - 09:14 - r1.17   Main.PeterThoeny
Referring topics are found using the %<nop>SEARCH% variable - see the template ==searchrenameview.tmpl==. First, matching topics in the current web are listed - matches are to ==topic==. Next, all webs (including the current one) are listed that match ==web.topic==. Because %<nop>SEARCH% is used, webs marked in WebPreferences  as =NOSEARCHALL= will not show up in the search for references to the =topic= being changed.
TWikiSkins 08 Jan 2003 - 07:14 - r1.11   Main.PeterThoeny
| =%<nop>WEBBGCOLOR%= | Web specific background color, defined in the WebPreferences  |
| =%<nop>WEBTOPICLIST%= | Common links of current web, defined in the WebPreferences . It includes a [[#GoBox]] |
| =%<nop>WEBCOPYRIGHT%= | Copyright notice, defined in the WebPreferences  |
* Define the =SKIN= Preference variable in TWiki.TWikiPreferences, one of the WebPreferences , or in a user - Main.TWikiGuest - topic.
TWikiUpgradeTo01Dec2001 17 Dec 2002 - 08:46 - r1.31   Main.PeterThoeny
* Remove the files you do *not* want to upgrade: =TWikiPreferences.*=, =WebNotify.*=, =WebPreferences .*=, =WebStatistics.*= and all =WebTopic*= files.
1. In =WebPreferences = of all webs, add or change the following web preferences: (see =TWiki.WebPreferences=)
* Create a replacement =WebForm= topic based on =twikicatitems.tmpl= in each web that uses a Category Table. See details in TWikiForms and compare with the settings in the =Know2.<nop>WebPreferences = topic.
MainFeatures 04 Aug 2002 - 02:58 - NEW   Main.PeterThoeny
* *Preferences:* Three levels of preferences: TWikiPreferences for site-level, WebPreferences  for each web, and user level preferences.
SiteMap 21 Apr 2002 - 06:18 - r1.2   Main.PeterThoeny
<td colspan="3"><font size="-1">You can use color coding by web for identification and reference. This table is updated automatically based on <nop>WebPreferences  settings of the individual webs. Contact if you need a separate collaboration web for your team. </font></td>
TWikiUpgradeTo01Dec2000 01 Sep 2001 - 07:33 - r1.15   Main.MikeMannix
* Modify the =WebPreferences = topics in all your webs to reflect the following:
TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000 01 Sep 2001 - 07:20 - r1.4   Main.MikeMannix
* Copy the new Main. Main.WebPreferences, Main.WebStatistics topics (and =*,v= files) into all your webs. Customize all WebPreferences  topics to your needs (e.g. web color).

Change links in topics that refer to TWiki.WebPreferences in any Web:



  • Get help on Renaming and moving topics.
  • Select the Trash Web to delete the topic.
  • The checkmarked topics will be updated (another form will appear which will eventually allow you to rename any topics that were locked)

Topic WebPreferences . { | Cancel }