We want to set variable WEBBGCOLOR in topic WebPreferences to one of the StandardColors. <nop>WebPreferences is, as you can guess, a topic which holds all kind of preference setting for each TWiki Web[[ManagingWebs][{*}]]. Each web has its own <nop>WebPreferences , and you can set them differently for each web.
2 Go to WebPreferences in each web, and edit the topic.
Without getting into the TWikiTemplates system yet, you can easily edit the ==view.tmpl== (in the =templates= directory). In the HTML at the top, the body tag has the page background hardcoded to white ==bgcolor="#ffffff"==. You can change that color value to new variable. First, define a new preferences variable in the site-level TWikiPreferences, e.g. =* Set =PAGEBGCOLOR = #d0d0d0=, then edit the ==view.tmpl== template file and change ==bgcolor="#ffffff"== to ==bgcolor="%<nop>PAGEBGCOLOR%"==. If you want you can set the page background color individualy per web, simple add a =* Set =PAGEBGCOLOR = #d0d0d0= bullet to the WebPreferences to overload the site-level preferences. (Without font color control, you'll have to stick to light colors.
1 Go to WebPreferences in each web, and edit the topic.
1 Go to the ==Preferences== topic: TWikiPreferences for site-wide use, or WebPreferences for use in one web only.
* __Example:__ Enter =%<nop>TEST%= to get %TEST% - see how it's [[WebPreferences #DefineIcon][done]].