TWiki home TWiki . TWiki . TWikiTemplates (rename)

Rename TWikiTemplates

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From: TWiki.  TWikiTemplates
To: .

Allow non WikiWord for the new topic name.
Note: It's usually best to chose a WikiWord for the new topic name, otherwise automatic linking may not work. Characters not allowed in topic names, such as spaces will automatically be removed.

Change links in topics that refer to TWikiTemplates in the TWiki Web:

Update ref: Topics in TWiki web: Changed: now 02:18 GMT Changed by:
AppendixFileSystem 02 Feb 2003 - 01:42 - r1.12   Main.PeterThoeny
| =TWiki/TWikiTemplates /testscreen.gif= | GIF image: Screen shot |
drwxrwxr-x 2 nobody nobody 4096 Nov 18 12:31 TWikiTemplates 
TWikiHistory 02 Feb 2003 - 01:31 - r1.61   Main.PeterThoeny
* New =%<nop>NOP{}%= variable in TWikiTemplates  topic gets removed at topic creation time; useful to write protect template topics
* The =%<nop>URLPARAM{}%= variable in TWikiTemplates  topic gets expanded at topic creation time; useful for dynamic content creation
* New topic templates as topics instead of templates. Customize by editing the topic. Retired =notedited.tmpl=, =notext.tmpl= and =notwiki.tmpl= templates. More in TWikiTemplates .
* Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplates  has more.
TWikiSystemRequirements 02 Feb 2003 - 01:26 - r1.28   Main.PeterThoeny
You can easily add functionality, by customizing TWikiTemplates , for one, while tailoring the browser requirements to your situation.
WebHome 01 Feb 2003 - 10:09 - r1.78   Main.PeterThoeny
1. [[TWiki Templates ]]
InstantEnhancements 31 Jan 2003 - 09:03 - NEW   Main.PeterThoeny
Without getting into the TWikiTemplates  system yet, you can easily edit the ==view.tmpl== (in the =templates= directory). In the HTML at the top, the body tag has the page background hardcoded to white ==bgcolor="#ffffff"==. You can change that color value to new variable. First, define a new preferences variable in the site-level TWikiPreferences, e.g. =* Set =PAGEBGCOLOR = #d0d0d0=, then edit the ==view.tmpl== template file and change ==bgcolor="#ffffff"== to ==bgcolor="%<nop>PAGEBGCOLOR%"==. If you want you can set the page background color individualy per web, simple add a =* Set =PAGEBGCOLOR = #d0d0d0= bullet to the WebPreferences to overload the site-level preferences. (Without font color control, you'll have to stick to light colors.
You're no doubt familiar or better with HTML, JS, and "webmastering". Without getting into the TWikiTemplates  system yet, you can easily edit the ==view.tmpl== (in the =templates= directory) for some dramatic effects. The top of the template is mostly regular HTML with some variables. Open up some space in the ==<head>== area, and you can drop in reliable <nop>JavaScripts - a pop-up window script, for example - or tag it as an external script.
TWikiDocumentation 31 Jan 2003 - 07:15 - r1.43   Main.PeterThoeny

TWikiGlossary 27 Jan 2003 - 09:11 - r1.2   Main.PeterThoeny
| Templates: | (1) Regular templates define header/footer layout of _pages_; topic text is not affected. (2) Template topics set the default content for new _topics_. [[TWikiTemplates ][Details...]] |
TWikiSkins 08 Jan 2003 - 07:14 - r1.11   Main.PeterThoeny
Skins are customized TWikiTemplates  files. You can use skins to change the look of a TWiki topic, for example, the layout of the header and footer. Rendered text between header and footer does __not__ change. You can also use skins to define an alternate view, like a view optimized for printing.
Use the existing TWikiTemplates  (like =view.tmpl=) or skin files as a base for your own skin, name it for example =view.myskin.tmpl=.
You can use [[TWikiTemplates #TemplateVariables][template variables]], TWikiVariables, and other predefined variables to compose your skins. Some commonly used variables in skins:
TWikiUpgradeTo01Dec2001 17 Dec 2002 - 08:46 - r1.31   Main.PeterThoeny
* *[[TWiki.TWikiTemplates][TWikiTemplates ]]* - New, more flexible template system.
Two major areas of TWiki functionality - TWikiTemplates  and TWikiForms (input forms associated with a topic)- are entirely different in the new TWiki. If you've customized your templates or use Category Tables, read those sections _before_ starting your upgrade.
1. Customized templates and skins need to be upgraded to the new TWikiTemplates . This isn't difficult, but you have be familiar with the new template set-up before starting the conversion. The safest way is to use the new templates as a base and to merge your changes back. Changes in new templates:
* Handling for topic-specific templates like has been removed and replaced by template topics in the new TWikiTemplates .
MainFeatures 04 Aug 2002 - 02:58 - NEW   Main.PeterThoeny
* *Templates and skins:* A flexible [[TWikiTemplates ][templating system]] separates program logic and presentation. [[TWikiSkins][Skins]] overwrite template headers and footers; page content is unaffected.
MetaDataRendering 11 Jan 2002 - 08:00 - r1.3   Main.PeterThoeny
%META:TOPICPARENT{name="TWikiTemplates "}%

Change links in topics that refer to TWiki.TWikiTemplates in any Web:

Update ref: Topics in TWiki web: Changed: now 02:18 GMT Changed by:
TWikiFuncModule 02 Feb 2003 - 01:02 - r1.3   Main.PeterThoeny
| Description: | Read a template or skin file. Embedded [[TWiki.TWikiTemplates ][template directives]] get expanded |


  • Get help on Renaming and moving topics.
  • Select the Trash Web to delete the topic.
  • The checkmarked topics will be updated (another form will appear which will eventually allow you to rename any topics that were locked)

Topic TWikiTemplates . { | Cancel }