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TWiki is linking topics automatically, provided you give a WikiTopic a name that follows the WikiNotation. It is a sequence of:
- Uppercase letter(s)
- Lowercase letter(s)
- Uppercase letter(s)
- Optional lowercase or uppercase letter(s) or number(s)
Good examples for topic names:
- TWikiWeb?
- GoodStyle
- AVeryLongTWikiTopicNameIsAlsoPossible?
- ProblemY2K?
Bad examples for topic names:
- Web: Name with no uppercase letter in between
- T5Wiki: Name with number before the first lowercase letter
- Know-How: Name with dashes in between
Sometimes you have to be creative to find a good name for a WikiTopic. For example, if you want to create a topic about the year 2000 problem, you could go for FixY2K? or YearTwoK? or YearTwoThousand?, but not Year2K or Y2K or Y2000 as a topic name. |