TWiki . TWiki . WelcomeGuest |
Welcome TWikiGuest,
you have reached the TWikiWeb? (pronounced twee-kee web). TWiki is a meeting place to collaborate on common interests. Everybody can contribute by just using a web browser. It looks like a normal web site, but then... everybody can (and is encouraged to) edit the web pages here and to contribute their questions and what they know. It really is very simple to learn and use.
How TWiki Works
link at the bottom of the page, edit the text, and then
[ Preview Changes ]
button at the bottom of the page to see what your topic will look like (use the BACK button on your browser to go back and fix something.), and finally
[ Save Changes ]
to save what you did.
name (topics are automatically linked if they are WikiWords, e.g. names composed of two or more words with initial capitals, run together).
. You are encouraged to include WikiWords in your content, for others to fill out later.
Main Features of TWiki
Starting Points in the TWiki.TWiki Web
TWiki Site Map | Use to... | |
TWiki.Main | Welcome to TWiki... Users, Groups, Offices - tour this expandable virtual workspace.
| ...get a first-hand feel for TWiki possibilities. |
TWiki.TWiki | Welcome, Registration, and other StartingPoints; TWiki history & Wiki style; All the docs...
| TWiki details, and how to start your own site. |
TWiki.Know | Knowledge base set-up - Add TWikiForms for organizing and classifying content.
| ...try free-form collaboration, with structure! |
TWiki.Sandbox | Sandbox test area with all features enabled.
| ...experiment in an unrestricted hands-on web. |
You can use color coding by web for identification and reference. This table is updated automatically based on WebPreferences settings of the individual webs. Contact if you need a separate collaboration web for your team. |
----- Revision r1.8 - 15 Dec 2000 - 02:43 GMT - PeterThoeny