TWiki . TWiki . TWikiUsernameVsLoginUsername |
. This name is normally passed to TWiki by the REMOTE_USER
environment variable. TWiki uses this name internally to log topic changes. Login usernames are maintained by your system administrator.
, recorded when you register in TWikiRegistration; doing so also generates your personal home page in the Main web of your TWiki site.
NOTE: To correctly enter a WikiName - your own or someone else's - be sure to specify the Main web in front of the Wiki username: write-- PeterThoeny - 30 Jan 2003Main.WikiUsername
. This assures that the name will be linked automatically to the Main web, where user home pages are stored, even if the text is entered in a different web.
----- Revision r1.7 - 30 Jan 2003 - 08:36 GMT - PeterThoeny