variable for database like reporting.
, notext.tmpl
and notwiki.tmpl
templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
and %WEBLIST{"format"}%
variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
| *bold* |
cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells | center aligned |
and | right aligned |
, (iii) span multiple columns using | empty cells |||
. More in TextFormattingRules.
files that are attached to a topic get a .txt
suffix appended to the file name. See also TWiki:Codev/FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert
---++ My Title
; and new %TOC%
variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
) and internal links (i.e [[WikiSyntax][syntax]]
). More in TWikiVariables.
at the beginning of a line, and link to it with [[#MyAnchor]]
. More in TWikiVariables.
module instead of sendmail
if installed.
... </verbatim>
tags to show source code "as is". Unlike the <pre>
... </pre>
tags, it also shows <
, >
, &
characters "as is".
==Bold Fixed==
to get Bold Fixed
and %SERVERTIME{"..."}%
variables. Format is now "$hour:$min"
instead of "hour:min"
. More in TWikiVariables. Attention: Check your existing topics when you upgrade TWiki!
variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev/TWikiSkins.
to have more control over include handling. More in TWikiVariables and TWiki:Codev/IncludeHandlingImprovements.
switch in %SEARCH{...}%
to suppress table header. More in TWikiVariables.
in wikicfg.pm
to hide plain text password in registration email.
%VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}%
to get web specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables.
"knows" the user once authenticated in edit
. More in TWikiUserAuthentication.
image support.
. More in TWiki:Codev/BetterTWikiTagTemplateProcessing.
to suppress all normal output.
[[text formatting FAQ]]
to get the link text formatting FAQ that points to topic TextFormattingFAQ.
that define the <meta http-equiv="...">
meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
and %SERVERTIME{"..."}%
. More in TWikiVariables.
to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}%
. Legacy syntax still supported.
*bold*, italic, __bold italic__
and fixed
, where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?!
of arbitrary files.
variable that shows the current GM time.
controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
Perl -T
option )
to specify the edit box size.
, wikiwebtable.inc
, weblist.inc
, webcopyright.inc
and webcolors.inc
/ $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
/ $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL%
. This is for performance reasons.
to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}%
. (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
%SEARCH{"str" ...}%
to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
in wiki.pm
did not handle $thePathInfo
in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example www.some.domain:1234/twiki
gets www.some.domain/twiki
variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc
/ TestVersions
, TestPolicy
/ TestPolicies
, TestAddress
/ TestAddresses
, TestBox
/ TestBoxes
file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
(link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME%
(the name of the wiki tool TWiki
(Public directory URL) and %ATTACHURL%
(URL of topic file attachment).
fixed font text
. Words get showns in fixed font
by enclosing them in "=" equal signs. Example Writing =fixed font= will show up as fixed font
link at the bottom of each topic, e.g. Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By Diffs r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
, where YYYYMM
the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
) and differences thereof (e.g. >
) at the bottom Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 r1.2 r1.1 }
Revision r1.3 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by PeterThoeny
sequence, e.g. AaA1
is a valid WikiTopic name, but not Aa1
(Topic name), %WEB%
(web name), %SCRIPTURL%
(script URL), %DATE%
(current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER%
(Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION%
(Wiki version), %USERNAME%
(user name), %WIKIUSERNAME%
(Wiki user name).
instead of thoeny
in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers.
The typical TWiki development flow...
Topic TWikiHistory . { |
Revision r1.54 - 03 Dec 2001 - 12:57 GMT - MikeMannix |
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All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? Send feedback. |