, ex: SomePlugin.pm
Plugin API - specs for building TWiki Plugins with Perl modules (TWikiPlugins)
Preference - a customizable TWiki parameter; settings site-wide, by the web, by the topic on TWikiPreferences and WebPreferences pages, also on Plugins, user and regular topic pages.
site - a TWiki installation consisting of one or more TWiki webs
topic aka WikiTopic - a single TWiki page, it has a WikiName that's unique within its home web
TWiki - based on "Wiki", from the original WikiWikiWeb, first OF this style of edit-anything-anywhere Web environment; by chance, also the name of a robot (as in, the robo-head in the TWiki logo) in the old Buck Rogers TV series (TWikiSite)
TWiki.org (twiki.org) - official home site, center of all development, housed on SourceForge.com
variable - text-strings of the form %VARIABLE%
that are expanded on the fly into text, image, or any other type of embedded content; predefined variables are coded into the main TWiki package, Plugins variables, and user-specified variables are created in TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences, or single topics
web - with a small "w", as opposed to the Web, World Wide; a collection of TWiki topics under a common name; topics share Preference settings, disk file structure, and are handled as a group by search
WikiTopic - see: topic
-- MikeMannix - 09 Sep 2001
Topic TWikiGlossary . { |
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