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Rename TWikiShorthand

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From: TWiki.  TWikiShorthand
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Allow non WikiWord for the new topic name.
Note: It's usually best to chose a WikiWord for the new topic name, otherwise automatic linking may not work. Characters not allowed in topic names, such as spaces will automatically be removed.

Change links in topics that refer to TWikiShorthand in the TWiki Web:

Update ref: Topics in TWiki web: Changed: now 08:46 GMT Changed by:
TWikiPreferences 02 Feb 2003 - 01:20 - r1.47   Main.PeterThoeny
* A preference is defined in a TWikiShorthand  bullet item: ==[3 spaces] * [space] Set NAME = value== <br /> Example (as a nested bullet item, indented 6 spaces):
TextFormattingRules 01 Feb 2003 - 20:47 - r1.37   Main.PeterThoeny
* On collaboration pages, it's preferable NOT to use HTML, and to use [[#TWikiShorthand ][TWiki shorthand]] instead - this keeps the text uncluttered and easy to edit.
WebHome 01 Feb 2003 - 10:09 - r1.78   Main.PeterThoeny
* TWikiShorthand : All of the TWiki shorthand basics
StartingPoints 01 Feb 2003 - 10:06 - r1.3   Main.PeterThoeny
* TWikiShorthand : Easy to learn rules for editing text
InstantEnhancements 31 Jan 2003 - 09:03 - NEW   Main.PeterThoeny
TOC is Table-Of-Contens, generated automagically from headers (defined like that: ==---++== , see TWikiShorthand ).
WelcomeGuest 18 Jan 2003 - 09:53 - r1.20   Main.PeterThoeny
1. *Write* Speak your mind! From your browser you can change or add to anything you see in a TWiki topic. Use regular text, HTML or TWikiShorthand . To contribute:
TWikiTutorial 22 Oct 2002 - 06:42 - r1.12   Main.PeterThoeny
* Learn about text formatting. You can enter text in TWikiShorthand , a very simple markup language. Follow the TWikiShorthand  link to see how, then:
2. Enter some text in TWikiShorthand : *bold* text, _italic_ text, __bold italic__ text, a bullet list, tables, paragraphs, etc. __Hint:__ If you need help, click on the TextFormattingRules link located below the text box in edit mode.
GoodStyle 02 Dec 2001 - 07:59 - r1.6   Main.MikeMannix
* TWiki has a very simple *[[TWikiShorthand ][text formatting shorthand]]*. In any case, you won't go wrong if you simply:
* *TIP:* Check the source when you want to find out how something is formatted: click ==Edit== on the lower toolbar. To see earlier versions, click ==More==, then check ==Raw text format== and click ==View revision==. A bit of HTML experience can't hurt, but you'll soon see with TWikiShorthand  how far that is from necessary.

Change links in topics that refer to TWiki.TWikiShorthand in any Web:


  • Get help on Renaming and moving topics.
  • Select the Trash Web to delete the topic.
  • The checkmarked topics will be updated (another form will appear which will eventually allow you to rename any topics that were locked)

Topic TWikiShorthand . { | Cancel }