TWiki home TWiki . TWiki . TWikiRegistrationPub (rename)

Rename TWikiRegistrationPub

  Web:  Topic:
From: TWiki.  TWikiRegistrationPub
To: .

Allow non WikiWord for the new topic name.
Note: It's usually best to chose a WikiWord for the new topic name, otherwise automatic linking may not work. Characters not allowed in topic names, such as spaces will automatically be removed.

Change links in topics that refer to TWikiRegistrationPub in the TWiki Web:

Update ref: Topics in TWiki web: Changed: now 18:19 GMT Changed by:
TWikiInstallationGuide 02 Feb 2003 - 01:29 - r1.53   Main.PeterThoeny
1. *Copy* the TWikiRegistrationPub  topic to TWikiRegistration, overwriting old version of <nop>TWikiRegistration. Do that by either editing the topics in theTWiki web, or by renaming the =.txt= and =.txt,v= files in the =twiki/data/TWiki= directory.
TWikiUpgradeGuide 02 Feb 2003 - 00:06 - r1.3   Main.PeterThoeny
* Remove the files you do *not* want to upgrade: =InterWikis.*=, =TWikiRegistration.*=, =TWikiRegistrationPub .*=, =WebNotify.*=, =WebPreferences.*=, =WebStatistics.*= and all =WebTopic*= files.
TWikiRegistrationPub 30 Jan 2003 - 08:56 - r1.9   Main.PeterThoeny
<!-- IMPORTANT NOTE if you want to customize this form: You can delete or add new input variables in this form. Use the topic TWikiRegistrationPub  in case this installation is on a public server (just copy the content over to the TWikiRegistration topic). The name="" parameter of the input tags must start with: "Twk0..." (if this is an optional entry), "Twk1..." (if this is a required entry). This will ensure that the fields are processed correctly. -->
TWikiRegistration 30 Jan 2003 - 08:48 - r1.8   Main.PeterThoeny
<!-- IMPORTANT NOTE if you want to customize this form: You can delete or add new input variables in this form. Use the topic TWikiRegistrationPub  in case this installation is on a public server (just copy the content over to the TWikiRegistration topic). The name="" parameter of the input tags must start with: "Twk0..." (if this is an optional entry), "Twk1..." (if this is a required entry). This will ensure that the fields are processed correctly. -->
TWikiUserAuthentication 29 Dec 2002 - 02:04 - r1.15   Main.PeterThoeny
* ALERT! In the original TWiki distribution, in ==twiki/data==, there are two registration form topics, TWikiRegistration and TWikiRegistrationPub . The original form includes an intranet Login Username field. For Basic Authentication, the original form is replaced by the Pub version. If you started using TWiki on Basic Authentication and want to change, you have to switch back forms for future use, and manually correct the existing entries, by editing Main.TWikiUsers, adding the Login Username for each member - =PeterThoeny - pthoeny - 01 Jan 1999= - and also in the ==.htpasswd== file, where you can either replace the WikiNames or duplicate the entries and have both, so both usernames will work. __verification and clearer rewrite to follow in a bit. also link to original installation mention.__
TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000 01 Sep 2001 - 07:20 - r1.4   Main.MikeMannix
* In case you are on a public server: Copy topic <nop>TWikiRegistrationPub  to Main.<nop>TWikiRegistration. Customize if needed.

Change links in topics that refer to TWiki.TWikiRegistrationPub in any Web:



  • Get help on Renaming and moving topics.
  • Select the Trash Web to delete the topic.
  • The checkmarked topics will be updated (another form will appear which will eventually allow you to rename any topics that were locked)

Topic TWikiRegistrationPub . { | Cancel }