* *[[TWiki.EmptyPlugin][EmptyPlugin ]]* is a fully functional module, minus active code; it does nothing and serves as a template for new Plugin development.
* =Set DISABLEDPLUGINS = <nop>EmptyPlugin , ...=
In addition to TWiki core functions, Plugins can use *predefined hooks*, or *call backs*, listed in the =lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin .pm= module.
* =$VERSION='1.000'= is the current setting in =TWiki::Plugins.pm= and in the preinstalled system Plugins (DefaultPlugin, EmptyPlugin , InterwikiPlugin).
Copy file =lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin .pm= to =<name>Plugin.pm=. The =EmptyPlugin .pm= module contains mostly empty functions, so it does nothing, but it's ready to be used. Customize it. Refer to the [[#PluginAPI][Plugin API]] specs for more information.