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Including Forms in New Topics


Including Forms in New Topics

When you create a new topic in a web that has the WEBFORMS Preferences variable set, an Add Form button appears at the bottom of the page. You can start all new topics with forms enabled, and pre-select a form if there's more than one available:

  1. Edit the WebTopicEditTemplate topic, adding the name of an available Form.
  2. Create a new topic to check - the Form should appear with values set.
    • Click Change to switch or remove Forms.

A form embedded in a topic also appears in a new topic. This is done by specifying the formtemplate parameter in the URL.

Topic TWikiForms . { View | Diffs | r1.16 | > | r1.15 | > | r1.14 | More }
Revision r1.15 - 27 Aug 2002 - 15:15 GMT - PeterThoeny
Revision r1.16 - 25 Jan 2003 - 09:23 GMT - PeterThoeny
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