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%TOC% %STARTINCLUDE% ---# TWiki Templates _Definition of the templates used to render all HTML pages displayed in TWiki_ ---++ Overview The new modular template system offers flexible, easy control over the layout of all TWiki pages. The master template approach groups parts that are shared by several templates - like headers and footers - in a common file. Special variables allow individual layouts to include parts from a master template - variables are mixed with regular HTML markup for template-specific content. Templates are used to define [[#HtmlTemplates][page layout]], and also to supply [[#TemplateTopics][default content]] for new pages. ---++ Major changes from the previous template system Where the old templates were each complete HTML documents, the new templates are defined using variables to include template parts from a master file. You can now change one instance of a common element to update all occurrences; previously, every affected template had to be updated. This simplifies the conversion of templates into XHTML format, and provides a more versatile solution for templates and for TWikiSkins. The new system: * separates a set of common template parts into a base template that is included by all of the related templates; * defines common variables, like a standard separator (ex: "|"), in the base template; * defines variable text in the individual templates and passes it back to the base template. #TemplateVariables ---++ How Template Variables Work * Special template directives (or preprocessor commands) are embedded in normal templates. * All template preprocessing is done in =&TWiki::Store::readTemplate()= so that the caller simply gets an expanded template file (the same as before). * Directives are of the form ==%<nop>TMPL:<key>%== and ==%<nop>TMPL:<key>{"attr"}%==. * Directives: * ==%<nop>TMPL:INCLUDE{"file"}%==: Includes a template file. The template directory of the current web is searched first, then the templates root (=twiki/templates=). * ==%<nop>TMPL:DEF{"var"}%==: Define a variable. Text between this and the END directive is not returned, but put into a hash for later use. * ==%<nop>TMPL:END%==: Ends variable definition. * ==%<nop>TMPL:P{"var"}%==: Prints a previously defined variable. * Variables live in a global name space: there is no parameter passing. * Two-pass processing lets you use a variable before or after declaring it. * Templates and TWikiSkins work transparently and interchangeably. For example, you can create a skin that overloads only the =twiki.tmpl= master template, like =twiki.print.tmpl=, that redefines the header and footer. * %H% Use of template directives is optional: templates work without them. * %X% *NOTE:* Template directives work only for templates: they do not get processed in topic text. ---++ Types of Template There are three types of template: * *Master Template*: Stores common parts; included by other templates * *HTML Page Templates*: Defines the layout of %WIKITOOLNAME% pages * *Template Topics*: Defines default text when you create a new topic ---+++ Master Templates Common parts, appearing in two or more templates, can be defined in a master template and then shared by others: ==twiki.tmpl== is the default master template. <blockquote> | *Template variable:* | *Defines:* | | %<nop>TMPL:DEF{"sep"}% | "|" separator | | %<nop>TMPL:DEF{"htmldoctype"}% | Start of all HTML pages | | %<nop>TMPL:DEF{"standardheader"}% | Standard header (ex: view, index, search) | | %<nop>TMPL:DEF{"simpleheader"}% | Simple header with reduced links (ex: edit, attach, oops) | | %<nop>TMPL:DEF{"standardfooter"}% | Footer, excluding revision and copyright parts | | %<nop>TMPL:DEF{"oops"}% | Skeleton of oops dialog | </blockquote> #HtmlTemplates ---+++ HTML Page Templates %WIKITOOLNAME% uses HTML template files for all actions, like topic view, edit, and preview. This allows you to change the look and feel of all pages by editing just a few template files. Templates are in the ==twiki/templates== directory. As an example, ==twiki/templates/view.tmpl== is the template file for the ==twiki/bin/view== script. Templates can be overloaded by individual webs. The following search order applies: 1. ==twiki/templates/$webName/$scriptName.tmpl== 2. ==twiki/templates/$scriptName.tmpl== * =$webName= is the name of the web (ex: =Main=) * =$scriptName= is the script (ex: =view=). %H% *NOTE:* TWikiSkins can be defined to overload the standard templates. Special variables are used in templates, especially in =view=, to display [[TWikiMetaData#MetaDataRendering][meta data]]. #TemplateTopics ---+++ Template Topics Template topics define the default text for new topics. There are three types of template topic: <blockquote> | *Topic Name:* | *What it is:* | | WebTopicViewTemplate | Error page shown when you try to view a nonexistent topic | | WebTopicNonWikiTemplate | Alert page shown when you try to view a nonexistent topic with a non-WikiName | | WebTopicEditTemplate | Default text shown when you create a new topic. | </blockquote> All template topics are located in the %TWIKIWEB% web. The WebTopicEditTemplate can be overloaded. When you create a new topic, TWiki locates a topic to use as a content template according to the following search order: 1. A topic name specified by the =templatetopic= CGI parameter. 1. <nop>WebTopicEditTemplate in the current web 1. <nop>WebTopicEditTemplate in the %TWIKIWEB% web ---++++ Edit Template Topics and Variable Expansion The following variables get expanded when a user creates a new topic based on a template topic: <blockquote> | *Variable:* | *Description:* | | =%<nop>DATE%= | Current date, e.g. =%DATE%= | | =%<nop>WIKIUSERNAME%= | User name, e.g. =%WIKIUSERNAME%= | | =%<nop>URLPARAM{"name"}%= | Value of a named URL parameter | | =%<nop>NOP%= | A no-operation variable that gets removed. Useful to prevent a SEARCH from hitting an edit template topic; also useful to escape a variable like =%<nop>URLPARAM%<nop>NOP%{...}%= | | =%<nop>NOP{ ... }%= | A no-operation text that gets removed. Useful to write-protect an edit template topic, but not the topics based this template topic. See notes below. Example:%BR% =%<nop>NOP{%BR% * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = <nop>Main.TWikiAdminGroup%BR% }%= | </blockquote> __Notes:__ * Unlike other variables, =%<nop>NOP{ ... }%= can span multiple lines. * The scan for the closing =}%= pattern is "non-greedy", that is, it stops at the first occurance. That means, you need to escape variables with parameters located inside =%<nop>NOP{ ... }%=: Insert a =%<nop>NOP%= between =}= and =%=. Silly example: =%<nop>NOP{ %<nop>GMTIME{"$year"}%<nop>NOP%% }%=. All other variables are unchanged, e.g. are carried over "as is" into the new topic. ---++++ Template Topics in Action Here is an example for creating new topics based on a specific template topic: <form name="new" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH%/edit%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%INTURLENCODE{"%WEB%"}%/"> * New example topic: <input type="text" name="topic" value="ExampleTopic%SERVERTIME{$yearx$mox$day}%" size="23" /> <input type="hidden" name="templatetopic" value="ExampleTopicTemplate" /> <input type="submit" value="Create" /> (date format is <nop>YYYYxMMxDD) </form> The above form asks for a topic name. A hidden input tag named ==templatetopic== specifies ExampleTopicTemplate as the template topic to use. Here is the HTML source of the form: <pre> <form name="new" action="%<nop>SCRIPTURLPATH%/edit%<nop>SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%<nop>INTURLENCODE{"%<nop>WEB%"}%/"> * New example topic: <input type="text" name="topic" value="ExampleTopic%<nop>SERVERTIME{$yearx$mox$day}%" size="23" /> <input type="hidden" name="templatetopic" value="ExampleTopicTemplate" /> <input type="hidden" name="onlywikiname" value="on" /> <input type="submit" value="Create" /> (date format is <nop>YYYYxMMxDD) </form> </pre> The ==onlywikiname== parameter enforces WikiWords for topic names. %T% *TIP:* You can use the =%<nop>WIKIUSERNAME%= and =%<nop>DATE%= variables in your topic templates to include the signature of the person creating a new topic. The variables are expanded into fixed text when a new topic is created. The standard signature is: <br /> ==-- %<nop>WIKIUSERNAME% - %<nop>DATE%== ---++ Templates by Example Attached is an example of an oops based template =oopsbase.tmpl= and an example oops dialog =oopstest.tmpl= based on the base template. %A% *NOTE:* This isn't the release version, just a quick, simple demo. ---+++ Base template oopsbase.tmpl The first line declares a delimiter variable called "sep", used to separate multiple link items. The variable can be called anywhere by writing =%<nop>TMPL:P{"sep"}%= <blockquote> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="#f5f5f5"> <tr><td> <pre> %<nop>TMPL:DEF{"sep"}% | %<nop>TMPL:END% <html> <head> <title> %<nop>WIKITOOLNAME% . %<nop>WEB% . %<nop>TOPIC% %.TMPL:P{"titleaction"}%</title> <base href<nop>="%<nop>SCRIPTURL%/view%<nop>SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%<nop>WEB%/%<nop>TOPIC%"> <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td bgcolor="%<nop>WEBBGCOLOR%" rowspan="2" valign="top" width="1%"> <a href<nop>="%<nop>WIKIHOMEURL%"> <img src="%<nop>PUBURLPATH%/wikiHome.gif" border="0"></a> </td> <td> <b>%<nop>WIKITOOLNAME% . %<nop>WEB% . </b><font size="+2"> <B>%<nop>TOPIC%</b> %<nop>TMPL:P{"titleaction"}%</font> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="%<nop>WEBBGCOLOR%"> <td colspan="2"> %<nop>TMPL:P{"webaction"}% </td> </tr> </table> --- ++ %<nop>TMPL:P{"heading"}% %<nop>TMPL:P{"message"}% <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr bgcolor="%<nop>WEBBGCOLOR%"> <td valign="top"> Topic <b>%<nop>TOPIC%</b> . { %<nop>TMPL:P{"topicaction"}% } </td> </tr> </table> </body> </pre> </td></tr> </table> </blockquote> ---+++ Test template oopstest.tmpl Each oops template basically just defines some variables and includes the base template that does the layout work. <blockquote> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="#f5f5f5"> <tr><td> <pre> %<nop>TMPL:DEF{"titleaction"}% (test =titleaction=) %<nop>TMPL:END% %<nop>TMPL:DEF{"webaction"}% test =webaction= %<nop>TMPL:END% %<nop>TMPL:DEF{"heading"}% Test heading %<nop>TMPL:END% %<nop>TMPL:DEF{"message"}% Test =message=. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... * Some more blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... * Param1: %<nop>PARAM1% * Param2: %<nop>PARAM2% * Param3: %<nop>PARAM3% * Param4: %<nop>PARAM4% %<nop>TMPL:END% %<nop>TMPL:DEF{"topicaction"}% Test =topicaction=: [<nop>[%<nop>WEB%.%<nop>TOPIC%][OK]] %<nop>TMPL:P{"sep"}% [<nop>[%<nop>TWIKIWEB%.TWikiRegistration][Register]] %<nop>TMPL:END% %<nop>TMPL:INCLUDE{"oopsbase"}% </pre> </td></tr> </table > </blockquote> ---+++ Sample screen shot of oopstest.tmpl With URL: ==.../bin/oops/Sandbox/TestTopic2?template=oopstest¶m1=WebHome¶m2=WebNotify== <blockquote> | <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/testscreen.gif" width="589" height="304" alt="testscreen.gif"> | </blockquote> ---++ Known Issues * A drawback of referring to a master template is that you can only test a template from within TWiki, where the include variables are resolved. In the previous system, each template was a structurally complete HTML document with a =.tmpl= filename extension - it contained unresolved =%VARIABLES%=, but could still be previewed directly in a browser. -- PeterThoeny - 01 Feb 2003 <br /> -- MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001 <br /> -- TWiki:Main/DavidLeBlanc - 11 Mar 2002
Don't forget - if you change something, do it in
and follow the
-- Main.TWikiGuest - 10 Mar 2025
This is your signature for easy copy & paste operation
. {
edit }
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