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---++ Default TWiki Plugin The default plugin is used for some deprecated rendering of older TWiki versions and of <nop>JosWiki. This plugin can also be used to specify some simple custom rendering rules. __Note:__ Create a new [[%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPlugins][TWikiPlugin]] based on EmptyPlugin if you plan to offer some complex rendering or other functionality. ---+++ Syntax Rules Custom rendering rules of the default plugin: * Allow old include syntax ( ==%<nop>INCLUDE:"TopicName"%== ) if Plugin Preferences variable ==OLDINCLUDE== is set to ==1== * Render deprecated ==*_text_*== as __bold italic__ text. Test if installed: *_This is bold italic_* * Enable <nop>JosWiki rules if <nop>JosWiki specific code is uncommented Modify file ==TWiki/Plugins/ to add your own rules or to enable <nop>JosWiki rules. ---+++ <nop>%TOPIC% Settings Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write ==%<nop><plugin>_<setting>%==, for example, ==%<nop>DEFAULTPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%== * One line description, shown in the %TWIKIWEB%.TextFormattingRules topic: * Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = This plugin can be used to specify some simple custom rendering rules. It also renders deprecated ==*_text_*== as __bold italic__ text. * Allow deprecated ==%<nop>INCLUDE:"TopicName"%== syntax: * Set OLDINCLUDE = 1 * Debug plugin: (See output in =data/debug.txt=) * Set DEBUG = 0 ---+++ Plugin Installation Instructions * This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it. ---+++ Plugin Info | Plugin Author: | %TWIKIWEB%.AndreaSterbini, %TWIKIWEB%.PeterThoeny | | Plugin Version: | 14 Jul 2001 | | Change History: | 14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play <br> 27 Feb 2001: Initial version | | CPAN Dependencies: | none | | Other Dependencies: | none | | Perl Version: | 5.0 | | Plugin Home: | | | Feedback: | | __Related Topics:__ %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences, %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPlugins, EmptyPlugin -- %TWIKIWEB%.AndreaSterbini - 27 Feb 2001 <br> -- %TWIKIWEB%.PeterThoeny - 14 Jul 2001 <br>
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